About Us

CannaSense Total Wellness is committed to helping certified patients obtain access to the finest medicinal cannabis available. We are dedicated to helping patients understand how to use medicinal cannabis responsibly and we encourage them to act as their own best advocates. All of us at CannaSense are committed to providing access to quality medicinal cannabis with personal service, knowledge and care.

Becoming a Patient in CannaSense Total Wellness Collective


•  We will guide you to receiving a doctor’s recommendation for medicinal cannabis. The recommendation is your first legal step to joining our collective.

•  After an on-line examination by a California physician, you will receive a recommendation if a condition that is treatable with medicinal cannabis is established.

•  Join CannaSense Total Wellness online and become a member of its collective.

•  Receive medicinal cannabis as long as you are a current member of CannaSense Total Wellness and have provided a valid doctor’s recommendation.

Becoming a member has a lot of benefits starting with your health, wealth and happiness.