2B Information for Using Medical Cannabis

[cs_content][cs_section parallax=”false” separator_top_type=”none” separator_top_height=”50px” separator_top_angle_point=”50″ separator_bottom_type=”none” separator_bottom_height=”50px” separator_bottom_angle_point=”50″ style=”margin: 0px;padding: 45px 0px;”][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][x_accordion][x_accordion_item title=”What is Cannabis?” open=”true”]Cannabis is a flowering plant that has fibrous stalks used for paper, clothing, rope, and building materials leaves, flowers, and roots used for medicinal purposes, and seeds used for food and fuel oil. Cannabis leaves and flowers are consumed in several forms: dried flower buds or various types of concentrated, loose, or pressed resin extracted from the flowers or leaves through a variety of methods. Once mature, the plant’s leaves and flowers are covered with trichomes, tiny glands of resinous oil containing cannabinoids and terpenes that provide physical and psychoactive effects..[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What is the Endocannabinois System?” open=”false” id=”The Endocannabinoid System for Beginners”]

CB Receptors
Endocannabinoid Receptors

In the future, perhaps 20 years from now, cannabis-based medicines will have a prominent place in the worldwide pharmacopeia again. Indeed, we might have even gotten there much faster if it hadn’t been for the draconian interference of the U.S. government. To this day, they are still blocking researchers from accessing cannabis to study. Countless thousands have died suffering and millions more continue to be denied access to plant-based medications that could not only mitigate their misery, but also possibly even cure them.

Cannabis medications work so efficiently because of the endocannabinoid (EC) system, present in all humans and many animals as well. This system consists of a series of receptors that are configured only to accept cannabinoids, especially tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Not enough research has been done on the other ones, cannabinol (CBN) and cannabigerol (CBG) plus others, to know much about their mechanisms of effect.

This system, an integral part of our physiologies, was discovered in the mid-1990s by Israeli researcher Dr. Ralph Mechoulam who also identified THC as the main active ingredient in cannabis in the early 1960s. Israel has been one of the most progressive nations for cannabis research and currently has one of the most advanced medical marijuana programs in the world. They are international leaders in advanced greenhouse technology, routinely producing flowers with 20 percent or greater THC.

Dr. Mechoulam’s world-changing research discovered two main receptors, cannabinoid 1 (CB1) and cannabinoid 2 (CB2), that are keyed to both the endocannabinoids that our body naturally produces and phytocannabinoids (plant-based) like THC and CBD. Our bodies actually produce the ECs similar to how our body produces narcotic-like endorphins. Synthetic cannabinoids, like the ones found in Marinol, also fit the receptor sites but don’t work as efficiently as the natural ones.

This research barely created a stir when first published as the whole world was still wrapped up in drug war madness. A prominent scientist discovers that our bodies not only have receptor sites cued just for cannabinoids but that our bodies actually produce them internally. The next step was to figure out how this affects our body’s functioning.

CB1 receptors are primarily found in the brain, although they are also both present in the male and female reproductive organs. Current research shows that THC is specifically keyed to the CB1 site. Therefore it is responsible for the feeling of intoxication that is the most familiar aspect of cannabis. From a therapeutic standpoint, it’s most important effect is to modulate and moderate the perception of pain. For example, touching a finger to a hot stove sends an electrical impulse that goes from the finger to the brain. The brain replies, “ouch, hot” and the finger is pulled away.

THC moderates pain; this doesn’t mean we leave our finger on the stove, but that the intensity of the painful feeling is reduced when THC is present in the CB1 site. This mechanism of action is why THC-rich medicines are so prized by people with intense pain issues. Cannabis and narcotics are also co-agonists, which means that each of them magnifies the effect of the other. This allows people to take lower doses and still have it be effective. Additionally, CB1 receptors are not present in the part of the brain that regulates heart rate and respiration, so unlike narcotics, there is no lethal dosage threshold for THC allowing someone to consume as much is needed for its palliative effects.

CB2 receptors are primarily found in the immune system with the highest concentration located in the spleen. There is some evidence that the receptors might also be in the micro parts of the brain’s basal ganglia, or nerve bundles. Again, a lack of comprehensive research has left many without the knowledge that should be widely available.

The CB2 receptors are keyed to CBD and works as an anti-inflammatory agent. The immune-boosting functions of CB2 are far less understood as research into CBD is just really beginning. It’s only been about five years since CBD re-emerged in the medical cannabis scene and was identified through Steephill Labs. The benefits of CBD-rich medicine with its anti-spasmodic qualities is one the most exciting and promising areas of cannabis medical research currently happening. One of the other effects of CBD is that it moderates the effects of THC. It actually knocks THC off the CB1 receptor, so if someone is experiencing THC intoxication, a strong dose of CBD can counteract those effects. The future of CBD-rich medicines is almost limitless. Indeed, we have just barely scratched the surface of planet cannabis.

THC and CBD are the two main cannabinoids that are focused on, however there are dozens and possibly hundreds more. Some of the ones that have been identified and studied include CBG, which binds to both CB1 as well as CB2 and is an antagonist to CB1, meaning that it moderates the effects of THC. Cannibichromene (CBC) is non-psychoactive and has both anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. CBN occurs when THC degrades. For this reason, it is rarely seen in fresh cannabis and is only mildly psychoactive, having a mostly sleepy effect. Tetrahydrocannibivarin (THCV) is another cannabinoid usually found in central Asian and southern African strains that also acts as a THC antagonist. There are more cannabinoids than can be listed here and they all have the potential to be as life changing as CBD is turning out to be.

The fact that there is a system in our body that produces cannabinoids and is specifically designed to accept just them, should be overwhelming proof of cannabis’ efficacy as a medicine. From the pain-killing effects of THC to the anti-spasmodic and anti-inflammatory properties of CBD, we have just scratched the surface of a world of possibilities. People are waking up to the benefits of these medicines as more researchers are exploring the infinite possibilities inherent in this seemingly simple plant. Future generations will look back and wonder why it took so long to figure this out.

By Rick Pfrommer on March 29, 2015  from – Cannabis Now

For a more extensive article, click here.

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What is in Cannabis that is Good for Us?” open=”false”]

100+ different types of cannabinoids and terpenes.

Concentrations or percent of each type of cannabinoid ranges widely from plant to plant and strain to strain.

The first identified and best-known cannabinoid is THC (delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol). THC has the most significant psychoactive effect of the cannabinoids. The ratio of THC to other cannabinoids varies from strain to strain. While THC has been the focus of breeding and research due to its various psychoactive and therapeutic effects, non-psychoactive cannabinoids have physiologic effects that can be therapeutic.

  • Cannabidiol (CBD) relieves convulsions, inflammation, anxiety and nausea—many of the same therapeutic qualities as THC but without psycoactive effects. It is the main cannabinoid in low-THC cannabis strains, and modern breeders have been developing strains with greater CBD content for medical use.
  • Cannabinol (CBN) is mildly psychoactive, decreases intraocular pressure, and seizure occurrence.
  • Cannabichromene (CBC) promotes the analgesic effects (pain relief) of THC and has sedative (calming) effects.
  • Cannabigerol (CBG) has sedative effects and antimicrobial properties, as well as lowers intraocular pressure.
  • Tetrahydrocannabivarin (THCV) is showing promise for type 2 diabetes and related metabolic disorders.

In addition to cannabinoids, other cannabis plant molecules are biologically active. A few other molecules known to have health effects are flavonoids and terpenes or terpenoids (the flavor and smell of the strain). Cannabinoids, terpenoids, and other compounds are secreted by the glandular trichomes found most densely on the floral leaves and flowers of female plants.

from: Americans for Safe Access[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What are the effects from Cannabis Consumption?” open=”false”]Different people have different experiences. One individual may feel stress release, while another feels over-stimulated and stressed, while another feels energized and on-task. There are many factors that impact the effect:

  • Amount used (dosage)
  • Strain of cannabis used and method of consumption
  • Environment/setting
  • Experience and history of cannabis use
  • Biochemistry
  • Mindset or mood
  • Nutrition or diet

Though cannabis is biologically classified as the single species Cannabis Sativa, there are at least three distinct plant varieties: Cannabis Sativa, Cannabis Indica, and Cannabis Ruderalis, though the last is rare. There are also hybrids, which are crosses between sativa and indica varieties. Cannabis used for fiber is typically referred to as hemp and has only small amounts of the psychoactive cannabinoid THC, usually less than 1%.

Genetic “breeders” of the cannabis seed have developed thousands of different strains of cannabis from these three varieties. There are marked differences between sativa, indica, and hybrid. Today, we mostly find hybrids. It can be difficult to find pure indica or sativa.

All types of medical cannabis produce effects that are more similar than not, including pain and nausea control, appetite stimulation, reduced muscle spasm, improved sleep, and others. But individual strains will have differing cannabinoid and terpene content, producing noticeably different effects. Many people report finding some strains more beneficial than others. For instance, strains with more CBD tend to produce better pain and spasticity relief. As noted above, effects will also vary for an individual based on the setting in which it is used and the person’s physiological state when using it.

In general, sativas and indicas are frequently distinguished as follows:


The primary effects are on thoughts and feelings. Sativas tend to produces stimulating feelings, and many prefer it for daytime use. Some noted therapeutic effects from use of Sativas:

  • Stimulating/energizing
  • Increased sense of well-being, focus, creativity
  • Reduces depression, elevates mood
  • Relieves headaches/migraines/nausea
  • Increases appetite

Some noted Side-Effects from use of Sativas

  • Increased anxiety feelings
  • Increased paranoia feelings


The primary effects are on the body. Indicas tend to produce sedated feelings, and many prefer it for nighttime use.

Some noted Therapeutic Effects from use of Indicas:

  • Provides relaxation/reduces stress
  • Relaxes muscles/spasms
  • Reduces pain/inflammation/headaches/migraines
  • Helps sleep
  • Reduces anxiety
  • Reduces nausea, stimulates appetite
  • Reduces intra-ocular pressure
  • Reduces seizure frequency/anti-convulsant
  • Some noted side-effects from use of Indicas:
  • Feelings of tiredness
  • “Fuzzy” thinking


Strains bred from crossing two or more varieties, with typically one dominant. For example, a sativa-dominant cross may be helpful in stimulating appetite and relaxing muscle spasms. Crosses are reported to work well to combat nausea and increase appetite.

from: Americans for Safe Access[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What are the Choices for Consuming Cannabis?” open=”false”]

Cannabis Flower, Extracts and Concentrates

The dried flower or bud from the manicured, mature female plant is the most widely consumed form of cannabis in the U.S. Elsewhere in the world, extracts or concentrates of the cannabis plant are more commonly used. Concentrates are made from cannabinoid-rich glandular trichomes, which are found in varying amounts on cannabis flowers, leaves and stalks. The flowers of a mature female plant contain the most trichomes.

Many methods are used to separate the trichomes from the plant:

  • Sift the cannabis flower and/or leaves through a fine screen either via a mechanical/motorized tumbler or by hand. Called “dry sift.” What passes through the screen is primarily the oil-rich glandular heads.
  • Roll the cannabis flowers between the fingers to rupture the trichomes and collect the resin that sticks to the fingers. Called “finger hash.”
  • Submerge cannabis leaves in ice water and agitate mixture to solidify trichomes. Filter mixture through series of increasingly fine screens or bags. Dry the trichomes and press into blocks. Called “bubble hash.” This method has increased yield.

There are other ways to separate the trichomes from other plant material, such as butane extractions, but consult your local medical cannabis laws concerning restrictions on certain types of preparations and use caution as some methods can create serious combustion dangers.


Kief is a powder made from trichomes removed from the leaves and flowers of cannabis plants. Can be compressed to produce cakes of hashish, or consumed (typically smoked) in powder form in a pipe or with cannabis bud or other herbs.


Hashish (also known as hash or hashisha) is a collection of compressed or concentrated resin glands (trichomes). Hash contains the same active cannabinoids as the flower and leaves but typically in higher concentrations (in other words, hash is more potent by volume than the plant material from which it was made).

Hashish usually is a paste-like substance with varying hardness. Good quality is typically described as soft and pliable. It becomes progressively harder and less potent as it oxidizes and oil evaporates.

  • THC content of hashish ranges from 15-70%.
  • Often smoked with a small pipe. Can be used in food, in a hookah, vaporizer, mixed with joints of cannabis bud or aromatic herbs.
  • Color varies from black to brown to golden or blonde. Color typically reflects methods of harvesting, manufacturing, and storage.

MYTH: The effects of smoking hash are different.
FACT: The effects of hash vary in the same way strains of cannabis do. This stems from differences in potency of hash and the regional variations between cannabis strains used for making it.

Hash oil

Hash oil is a mix of essential oils and resins extracted from mature cannabis foliage through the use of various solvents such as ethanol or hexane. The solvent is then evaporated, which leaves the oil. Hash oil tends to have a high proportion of cannabinoids—a range from 30 to 90% THC content can be found.

It can be smoked with a specialty pipe (specifically for hash oil or hash), with a vaporizer, with cannabis bud in a pipe, joint, or added to food.

Cannabis Edibles

Cannabis can be ingested or eaten when added to cake, cookies, dressings, and other foods. It can also be brewed into a tea or other beverage. To be effective, cannabis and its extracts or concentrates must be heated in order to convert the cannabinoid tetrahydrocannabinolic acid into active THC.

Digestive processes alter the metabolism of cannabinoids and produce a different metabolite of THC in the liver. That metabolite may produce markedly different effects or negligible ones, depending on the individual. The onset of effects is delayed and last longer due to slower absorption of the cannabinoids.

Cannabinoids are fat-soluble, hydrophobic oils, meaning they dissolve in oils, butters, fats and alcohol, but not water. Processes using oil, butter, fat or alcohol can extract the cannabinoids from plant material.

Various forms of converted cannabis can be used for edible medicating. Each can be made from cannabis flowers, leaves of concentrates such as hash. The potency of the edible will depend on the material used in making it and the amount used. Edibles made with hash will be stronger than those made from leaf trim.

Cannabis Oil

Cannabis Oil (cannaoil): is cooking oil infused with cannabinoids. Various means to extract include heating the oil and cannabis mixture at low temperature in a frying pan or pot, double boiler, or slow cooker then straining out the plant material. Can be used in any recipe that includes oil and that doesn’t go over 280 degrees Fahrenheit (evaporating point). Think cookies, cakes, candies, and other food items.

Cannabis Butter

Cannabis butter (cannabutter) is butter infused with cannabinoids. Heat raw cannabis with butter to extract cannabinoids into the fat. Various means to extract include heating the butter and cannabis mixture at low temperature in a frying pan or pot, double boiler, or slow cooker then straining out the plant material. Can be used in any recipe that includes oil and that doesn’t go over 280 degrees Fahrenheit.


Tinctures use ethanol alcohol (e.g. pure grain alcohol, not rubbing alcohol) to extract the cannabinoids. You use droplet amounts, and it is absorbed through the mucous membranes in the mouth.


Sublingual sprays is another way of using a tincture. Use ethanol alcohol to extract the cannabinoids. You use a pump to spray cannabis-alcohol solution under your tongue.

Cannabis Liquor

Liquor may be infused with cannabinoids. Best to cook stems and leaves into brandy or rum. Can be added to coffee and other beverages.


A Cannabis suppository is a small cone-shaped mass of cannabis extract into the rectum, where it absorbs through the colon. This method is somewhat controversial and rather less dignified than other ways to medicate, but some patients swear by it.


Raw cannabis has developed quite a following. Patients claim that the raw plant has medicinal properties that are lost when the plant is dried or heated. You ingest the raw leaves and buds straight from the plant, usually by mixing them into a juice or smoothie.


There are a wide variety of cannabis-infused teas, juices, smoothies, and sodas. You can also make your own cannabis tea by steeping a bud, piece of wax, or tincture in hot water. Adding a bag of your favorite tea can improve its flavor.

Super Concentrates

Forms of cannabis super concentrate (dabs, budder, shatter, wax, rosin, etc.) are made with by treating the cannabis flower with chemical solvents or high pressure gases. While some are menat for comsuption or topical application, such as Rick Simpson Oil,  others are heated to a high temperature and inhaled. The delivery devices vary, but they tend to be complicated and usually involve the use of a butane torch. Also, concentrates can contain as much as 90 percent THC, so you will get a very high dose of psychoactive compounds.

Cannabis Topicals (applied to the skin)

Cannabinoids combined with a penetrating topical cream can enter the skin and body tissues and allow for direct application to affected areas (e.g. allergic skin reactions, post-herpes neuralgia, muscle strain, inflammation, swelling, etc.).

  • Cannabinoids in cannabis interact with CB1 and CB2 receptors that are found all over the body, including the skin.
  • Both THC and Cannabidiol (CBD) have been found to provide pain relief and reduce inflammation.
  • Topical cannabis use does not produce a psychoactive effect, which is different from eating or inhaling the medicine.

Different types of cannabis topicals include:

  • Salve: cannabinoids heated into coconut oil combined with bees wax and cooled. Rub directly on skin.
  • Cream: cannabinoids heated into shea butter combined with other ingredients and cooled. Rub directly on skin.
  • Transdermal Patches: this is the ideal method for any patients who rather not inhale the medicine.

Topicals may produce anti-inflammatory and analgesic or pain relief effects.. Research has to date been limited to studies on allergic and post-herpes skin reactions and pain relief. Anecdotal reports on topical treatment efficacy include:

  • Certain types of dermatitis (including atopic) and psoriasis
  • Balm for lips, fever blisters, herpes
  • Superficial wounds, cuts, acne pimples, furuncles, corns, certain nail fungus
  • Rheumatism and arthritic pains (up to the 2nd degree of arthritis)
  • Torticollis, back pains, muscular pains and cramps, sprains and other contusions
  • Phlebitis, venous ulcerations
  • Hemorrhoids
  • Menstruation pains
  • Cold and sore throat, bronchitis
  • Asthmatic problems with breathing
  • Chronic inflammation of larynx (application in the form of a Priessnitz compress)
  • Migraine, head pains, tension headaches
  • Pharmaceutical Cannabis or Cannabinoids

Pharmaceutical cannabis or cannabinoid drugs are those that have been standardized in composition, formulation and dose. That means you always know exactly what and how much you are getting with each pill or spray. These are drugs which have been developed to meet regulatory requirements for prescribing by physicians.

Dronabinol (Marinol®)

Dronabinol (Marinol®) is a prescribed capsule classified as a Schedule III drug used to treat nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy and loss of appetite and weight loss in people who have acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS). It is a synthetic version of THC suspended in sesame oil and does not contain CBD (cannabidiol) or other cannabinoids.


Sativex® is a prescribed oromucosal (mouth) spray to alleviate various symptoms of MS and cancer, including neuropathic pain, spasticity, overactive bladder and other symptoms, depending on the country. Derived from two strains of cannabis, the principal active cannabinoid components are THC and CBD suspended in ethanol. Each spray of Sativex® delivers a fixed dose of 2.7mg THC and 2.5mg CBD.

from: Americans for Safe Access[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What are the Safety Conerns for Using Cannabis?” open=”false”]

First of all – No one has ever died as a result of using Cannabis, ever.

Know Your Variety

Cannabis comes in many varieties, roughly divided between Sativas that originated near the equator and Indicas that come from northern latitudes, though modern breeding programs have created a wide range of hybrids. Each variety has its own cannabinoid and terpene profile and subtly different effects. Whether you use Sativa-dominant, Indica-dominant, or a Hybrid it makes a difference.

  1. Take note of what effect each variety produce for you (therapeutic and side effects); keeping a log can be helpful.
  2. Use higher potency cannabis so you use less medicine. Concentrates can be useful, particularly if you need higher doses.
  3. For concentrates, use a glass pipe made for cannabis concentrates.
  4. Experiment with high CBD strains, particularly for nausea, appetite, and pain.
  5. Take a medicine vacation occasionally. While cannabis does not produce tolerance in the way opiates do, reducing or ceasing cannabis use can yield enhanced effects when restarted. Either reduce or stop for however long it feels comfortable for you.
  6. Change the variety if the one you’re using seems to be losing its effectiveness.
  7. Whenever possible, choose organic cannabis products. Never consume cannabis that has been treated with pesticides.

Think About Drug Interactions

No significant interactions between cannabis and other drugs are known at this time, though research indicates cannabis enhances the effects of opiate painkillers. Little is known about the interaction of cannabis and other pharmaceutical medications, but it is important to consider any complementary effects.

Talk to your doctor or find a doctor who you can talk to about medical cannabis. Some studies show interactions with barbiturates, theophyline, fluxetine, disulfiram, sedatives, antihistamines, etc.

A synergistic effect can occur with alcohol use; limit mixing the two.

Consider Safety. For yourself and your community.

Indicas can cause drowsiness-avoid driving or operating heavy machinery when using your medicine.

Don’t consume cannabis and drive. Cannabis use can impair motor skills. Find a safe environment to consume your medicine. Wait at least 1-2 hours after you medicate before getting behind the wheel.

from: Americans for Safe Access[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”What are the Ways to Use Cannabis” open=”false”]You can adjust the way you use cannabis to a method that is comfortable and effective for you. One of the great aspects of cannabis is that there are many ways to use the medicine effectively.

Ingest via Eating

Dosage: Only use edibles under the supervision of a doctor. Dosages vary widely depending on your weight, metabolism, experience level, and other factors. Doctors we know have suggested starting with a small amount—2 mg or less—and waiting at least an hour before eating more.

This is one of the safest ways to consume your medication, but understand that the effects from eaten cannabis may be more pronounced and onset of the effects will be delayed by an hour or more and typically last longer than inhalation. Using edible cannabis effectively will usually take some experimentation with particular product types and dosage. Digesting cannabis also metabolizes the cannabinoids somewhat differently and can produce different subjective effects, depending on the individual.


Use small amounts of edibles and wait 2 hours before gradually increasing the dose, if needed. Take care to find and use the right dose-excessive dosage can be uncomfortable and happens most often with edibles.

Try cannabis pills made with hash or cannabis oil or ingest via Tinctures/Sprays

Find your ideal dosage to enhance your therapeutic benefits. Start with no more than two drops and wait at least an hour before increasing the dosage, incrementally and as necessary.


  • Provides long-lasting relief.
  • Good alternative for people averse to inhaling.
  • You get to eat a delicious treat.
  • Dosage can be very precise.


  • Can take half an hour to several hours to kick in.
  • Dosage can be difficult if the manufacturer.
  • Must be locked up to avoid children and pets.
  • Causes a different “high” than smoking.


Dosage: Consult with your doctor before drinking marijuana beverages. Start with one small sip & wait an hour before deciding whether or not to drink more.

There are a variety of cannabis-infused teas, juices, smoothies, and sodas. You can also make your own cannabis tea by steeping a bud, piece of wax, or tincture in hot water. Adding a bag of your favorite tea can improve its flavor.


  • Provides long-lasting relief.
  • Alternative for people averse to inhaling their medicine.
  • Give a specific feeling, such as stress relief or energy.


  • Takes 30min-2hours to kick in.
  • Dosage can be difficult.
  • Causes a different “high” than smoking.


Dosage: Dr. William Courtney, the leading advocate of juicing, recommends ingesting fifteen leaves and one or two big buds (2–4″) daily.

Raw cannabis has developed quite a following. Patients claim that the raw plant has medicinal properties that are lost when the plant is dried or heated. You ingest the raw leaves and buds straight from the plant, usually by mixing them into a juice or smoothie.


  • Raw cannabis is packed with THC-A, the acid form of THC, which is not psychoactive. Some patients and doctors believe THC-A has unique medicinal properties.
  • Some patients whose chronic diseases never responded to other treatment (including dried cannabis) say that juicing raw marijuana has been their miracle cure.


  • Requires large amounts of fresh cannabis.
  • Has an unpleasant vegetal taste.
  • Studies have not confirmed results.

Tinctures and Sublingual Sprays

Dosage: Start with just a few drops and wait ten minutes. If you don’t feel relief, try a few more drops. Eventually you’ll figure out your ideal dosage—for most people, it’s between half a dropper and a couple of droppers at a time.

Extracted cannabinoids are mixed into an alcohol, glycerin solution or MCT Oil (Medium-Chain Triglyceride), which in many cases is coconut oil. These sublingual products usually come in a small bottle. Just squirt or spray it under your tongue and let it absorb through the thin tissue of the mouth.


  • Doesn’t hurt lungs like inhaling cannabis.
  • Easy to control dosage for a very low dose.
  • Mild taste.
  • Preferred method for children.


  • Can be expensive for people who require a high dosage of cannabinoids.
  • Takes effect faster than edibles, but still not as fast as inhalation.

Topical Lotions, Creams and Salves

Dosage: You’re unlikely to cause any real harm with topicals, but do try to find ones that are aimed at your specific ailment. Use salves and ointments as much as you want as often as you want, keeping in mind that they can get greasy. If you experience skin irritation, discontinue use. Consult your doctor about using transdermal patches.

This is one of the safest ways to consume your medication and may be the best option for certain pains or ailments. Rubbing cannabis products on the skin will not result in a psychoactive effect. Medical cannabis tinctures are a great way to medicate without any psychoactive effects. Salves, ointments, lotions, and sprays are great for arthritis, chapped skin, eczema, minor burns, muscle soreness, sunburns, swellings, joint pain, and tendonitis, to name just a few.


  • Topicals don’t get you “high”
  • Addresses skin issues
  • Localized pain relief


  • Does not help cancer, PTSD, epilepsy, or glaucoma.
  • Don’t provide a euphoric feeling.
  • Patients report some products simply don’t work.

Transdermal Patches

Dosage: Most transdermal patches come in 10mg dosed patches. They can be cut in half for smaller doses.

Apply patch to a clean, dry and hairless skin surface.  Many medical professionals recommend adhering the patch on the inner-wrist area, top of foot or ankle. This is the ideal method for any patients who rather not inhale the medicine. If you have explored multiple options without success, this might be the right path for depending on your choice of high you are trying to reach.


  • No Smoking Required.
  • Comes in different formulations.
  • Mild dosages.


  • Some individuals may develop an allergic reaction.
  • Must be applied on a clean and dry skin surface.
  • Not be applied where a great deal of body hair.


Dosage: Most suppositories come in two sizes: 2g for adults and 1g for children. They can be cut in half for smaller doses.

You insert a small cone-shaped mass of cannabis extract into the rectum, where it absorbs through the colon. This method is somewhat controversial and rather less dignified than other ways to medicate, but some patients swear by it. Put on protective gloves, lie on your side, and insert the suppository about 1.5 inches. Squeeze your sphincter muscles and stay in place for at least a few minutes. When you’re ready, get up, throw away the gloves, and thoroughly wash your hands. There are also companies who make pre-made ratios of medicine for rectal use – 1 mg non-injectable syringes.


  • Great alternative to edibles.
  • Kicks in quickly and lasts long
  • Most Efficient way to digest.


  • Difficult and embarrassing to administer.
  • Must be refrigerated.
  • Difficult to apply.

Inhale via Smoking

Dosage: Start small! Inhale lightly (i.e. “take a small hit.”). There is no need to hold the smoke in your lungs…exhale. Wait a few minutes. If you don’t feel the desired effect, or you want to feel a greater effect, take another hit.

Because the effects are noticed or felt quickly, this is a good way to get immediate relief and find the best dose for you. Research has shown that smoking cannabis does not increase your risk of lung or other cancers, but because it entails inhaling tars and other potential irritants, it may produce unpleasant bronchial effects such as harsh coughing.

Smoke as little as possible. Try 1 to 3 inhalations and wait 10 to 15 minutes to find the right dosage. Increase dosage as necessary.

Take smaller, shallower inhalations rather than deep inhales. Holding smoke in does not increase the effects; studies show that 95% of the THC is absorbed in the first few seconds of inhaling.

If consuming with others, for health reasons, try not to share the smoking device. If sharing, quickly apply flame to the pipe mouthpiece or wipe with rubbing alcohol to kill germs.

Inhale via a Pipe/One-Hitter/Steam Roller

Use a glass, stainless steel, or brass pipe; avoid wood or plastic pipes. Glass one hitters, tubular pipes that contain a single dose, are the most economical devices.

Inhale via a Bong/Water Pipe

Don’t use a bong or water pipe regularly. The water absorbs some of the THC and other cannabinoids, and you can inhale water vapor or water drops into your lungs.

Don’t use a bong made from plastic, rubber or aluminum that can produce harmful fumes when heated or melted. If you do use one, change the water frequently to limit exposure to germs and viruses.

To avoid inhaling unnecessary chemicals, use hemp paper coated with beeswax to light your medicine rather than matches or a lighter.


  • Delivers instant relief
  • Fairly easy to regulate dosage
  • Inexpensive
  • Minimally processed
  • Multiple options


  • Smoke may be harmful to lungs. Studies have reached contradictory conclusions about whether and to what extent cannabis may cause lung damage, but combustion of any substance makes it harder to breathe.
  • In many cases, not a good option for anyone with pulmonary damage (lung cancer, emphysema) or asthma
  • Will make you smell like cannabis smoke

Inhale via Vaporizer

Dosage: Start small! Inhale lightly (i.e. “take a small hit.”). There is no need to hold the smoke in your lungs…exhale. Wait a few minutes. If you don’t feel the desired effect, or you want to feel a greater effect, take another hit.

This is the safest way to inhale your medicine because it heats the cannabinoid-laden oils to the point where they become airborne vapors, without bringing the other plant material to combustion, drastically reducing the amount of tars and other chemical irritants that you otherwise would inhale. Vaporizers also emit much less odor than any type of smoking.

Invest in a tabletop Volcano brand vaporizer or a hand-held vaporizer (such as vaporPlus). Construct your own vaporizer if you can’t afford to buy one.


  • Delivers instant relief
  • Less harsh on lungs than smoking
  • Doesn’t make you smell as much as smoking


  • Vaping units can be very expensive.
  • Battery powered units must be recharged.
  • Need time to warm up device.


Dosage: Consult with your doctor prior to trying dabbing—it’s probably more than you need. If you do choose to try it, start with just one ‘small’ hit, but know that it will have extremely strong psychoactive effects.

A “dab” is a cannabis concentrate (hash oil, budder, shatter, wax, rosin, dabs, etc.) that you heat to a high temperature and inhale. The delivery devices vary, but they tend to be complicated and usually involve the use of a butane torch. Also, concentrates can contain as much as 90 percent THC, so you will get a very high dose of psychoactive compounds.

This method is NOT recommended for patients with a low THC tolerance or those new to cannabis medications!


  • Useful for urgent medication of acute illnesses.
  • Cost-efficient for patients who need High-THC.
  • Provides instant relief.


  • Concentrates are at higher risk of containing harmful chemicals.
  • Solvents are used to extract the medicinal chemicals, may not be properly removed.
  • May cause overdose, while never fatal, can be very unpleasant and uncomfortable.
  • Devices are difficult to use; accidental burns are more likely.

From: Americans for Safe Access and United Patients Group

[/x_accordion_item][x_accordion_item title=”Keep a Journal of Your Progress” open=”false”]

Keeping a Cannabis Log will help

To establish an optimal treatment regime with cannabis, you will need to balance the effects of different strains, doses, and methods of ingestion. It may be helpful to record your therapeutic relationship with cannabis on an ongoing basis. One method is through keeping a cannabis-use log that captures your experience, including thoughts, feeling and behaviors. Periodically reviewing the log can help both you and your doctor make decisions about what works best.

To start, keep a detailed log, as described below, for at least one week. Once you’ve got a week’s worth of information, complete the self-assessment worksheet that follows. This worksheet will help you better understand many things about yourself, including: your ailments and symptom patterns, your treatment behaviors, and the efficacy and side effects of the cannabis medicines you use.

In keeping a medication log, try to keep things standardized, and be as consistent as possible. Here are some logging tips on useful information to collect:

  1. Date/Time: Record every time you consume cannabis with the current date and time of day.
  2. Amount: The amount of cannabis used (gram estimate or other consistent measure).
  3. Strain: The name, strain or variety of the cannabis strain or variety of cannabis medicine used. If you don’t know the name, write a detailed description of the medicine.
  4. Code: Strains are generally described as Indica, Sativa, or hybrid. You may want to code your entries: I=Indica, S=Sativa, S/I=Sativa-dominant Indica Cross, and I/S= Indica-dominant Sativa Cross.
  5. Type is the form of cannabis consumed: dried bud flower (most common), concentrates, tincture/sprays, edibles/drinks or topical. You may want to use: F=flower, C=concentrate, T=tincture/spray, E=edible, TO=topical.
  6. Cannabinoid Content: refers to the percent of THC, CBD and/or CBN. If you have this information available to you, write down percentages of each cannabinoid. If you’re using edibles or similar, a description of potency and preparation is helpful.
  7. Mode: Write down how you used your medication. Either inhale via S=smoke or V=vaporize, E=eat/digest, T=tincture or spray, TO=topical
  8. Therapeutic Effects: List any positive effects you experience (physical, mental, social, behavioral, etc).
  9. Negative Side Effects: List your negative effects
  10. Timing: How quickly did you experience the first therapeutic effects? When did you feel the peak of relief? When did it start to noticeably dissipate? How long until effects were gone?
  11. What prompted your cannabis use? List the specific factors that told you it was time for medicine, as well as the general symptoms or conditions being treated (e.g. pain, nausea, anxiety, etc.
  12. How did you feel (mindset)? Record your mood and feelings before and after you used cannabis.
  13. Where were you (setting)? Were you at home, at a collective, in your office? Sitting, standing, lying down?
  14. Who were you with? Were you by yourself, with a friend, a large group, among other cannabis consumers, etc?
  15. What were you doing? Just before you used cannabis, what was going on? What were the activities or circumstances leading up to it?

From: Americans for Safe Access[/x_accordion_item][/x_accordion][/cs_column][/cs_row][cs_row inner_container=”true” marginless_columns=”false” style=”margin: 0px auto;padding: 0px;”][cs_column fade=”false” fade_animation=”in” fade_animation_offset=”45px” fade_duration=”750″ type=”1/1″ style=”padding: 0px;”][x_image type=”none” src=”https://www.cannasense.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/IMG_1840.png” alt=”” link=”true” href=”https://www.cannasense.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/IMG_1840.png” title=”” target=”blank” info=”none” info_place=”top” info_trigger=”hover” info_content=””][/cs_column][/cs_row][/cs_section][/cs_content]

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