2A – Education

What is CannaSense?

CannaSense is a cannabis collective that helps individuals in all 50 states gain access to cannabis. We do this with a streamlined process in strict compliance with The Compassionate Use Act of 1996, The Affordable Care Act, The Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act and the US Constitution. It is important for each individual to understand the legalities involved, the costs, and the benefits of cannabis. Cannabis can be used by anyone Over 21 to treat a large number of illnesses from anxiety, depression, and PTSD, to inflammatory and auto-immune disorders, as well as many forms of cancer and chronic pain. Unfortunately there are many states in America that have not yet passed cannabis laws and it is still listed on the federal level as a schedule 1 narcotic. Despite these obstacles, CannaSense has a solution for any individual in America who needs access to cannabis.

How Is This Legal?

CannaSense was developed, tested, and refined over a 20 year period using existing law as an avenue for individual access to cannabis in all 50 states. The Cannabis Regulatory, Enforcement Assistance, and Marketplace Modernization Act of 2021 is a New Jersey Act that now allows anyone over 21 years old to receive cannabis from the collective.  The Compassionate Use Act of 1996 is a California Act that allows anyone with the recommendation of a doctor to become a patient in our cannabis collective. Article 4 Section 1 of the US Constitution says: “Full Faith and Credit shall be given in each State to the public Acts, Records, and judicial Proceedings of every other State. And the Congress may by general Laws prescribe the Manner in which such Acts, Records and Proceedings shall be proved, and the Effect thereof.” This means that Article IV, Section 1 ensures that states respect and honor the state laws and court orders of other states, even when their own laws are different. It is also known as the reciprocity clause.

For those that are under 21, a doctor exam would be required. For those that are 21 and over, a doctor exam is not required but can be done to become a medical patient for cannabis.  For tax deductibility, a medical patient can write off their cost of medicine.

Under the Affordable Care Act, individuals can see their doctors through telemedicine services from the privacy of their homes. Internet based video conference calls enable their doctors to write prescriptions and recommendations in a legal and accepted way, without leaving home. CannaSense helps guide you to a telemedicine physician service to provide easy access to individuals for a teleconference appointment with a doctor who will give them a treatment plan, a digital medical cannabis card, and a signed recommendation to then join with CannaSense. Legally, under the provisions of the ACA, this is the same thing as the patient traveling to CA to see the doctor in person.

When a patient uses this CannaSense process, it legally makes them a patient under the protections of the Compassionate Use Act. Even though they may live in another state, through this process, they are California patients. After the recommendation from the physician is attached to the CannaSense Sponsorship form and submitted to CannaSense for approval, (which usually takes one business day), they are assigned a patient ID and they are able to log in to their account to order from the Apothecary store here on the CannaSense website.  For more information on the larger legal structure under which CannaSense operates, please read the official legal statement.

There are several legal safeguards with CannaSense, the first of which is our compliance within the legal framework mentioned above. The second is the medical card, which in many cases can shield a patient from scrutiny by agents of the state. The third is the discreet way we ship the medication. We ship right to patients’ homes in non-descript packaging without labels indicating the contents of the package, thereby protecting each patient’s privacy. Also, the patient’s credit card statements are completely without any “red flag” terms. The greatest benefit of being a patient with CannaSense is the CannaSense Foundation, whose primary purpose is to provide legal defense teams at no cost to any patient or member who has legal issues as a result of using cannabis.


In order to be in compliance with this program, every patient must obtain a doctor’s recommendation. For the Doctor appointment, medical card, and recommendation, the costs can vary from site to site. Most patients who go through the process to get their medical cards in their state pay much more for the process and many have to renew their recommendations several times a year. As a California CannaSense patient, renewal is once a year and patients can shop around.

There are two ways to become a patient with CannaSense, you can be a “Patient” or a “Member.” Beyond the cost for the doctor visit, a Patient pays nothing to join CannaSense but they pay full price for their medicine. A Member pays a one time membership fee of $420 by purchasing a “Welcome Kit”, for which they receive $300 worth of medicine in their first shipment. There are 5 preconfigured Welcome Kit options to choose from and 1 customizable option. After they purchase the Welcome Kit, their membership is upgraded to full Member which gets them a discount on all medicinal items in the store from then on. The discount can be up to 30% and saves members thousands of dollars. For long term treatment it is the most cost effective way to participate. All prices listed in the Apothecary on the website are patient prices. Once a Patient upgrades to full Member, the discount will reflect in the Apothecary every time they log in.


Anyone in compliance with the program can also earn income or credit to their accounts by sponsoring others into the collective. Under the Compassionate Use Act, caregivers may be compensated for their time. Anyone may become a “Caregiver” by filling out the Sponsorship Form. There is no cost to become a caregiver and a doctor’s recommendation is not needed as caregivers are not able to order cannabis products.  Both Patients and Members are also considered “caregivers,” but having obtained a doctor’s recommendation, they are able to order cannabis products.  If a person joins CannaSense only as a caregiver, they are able to earn referral commissions by sponsoring full Members into the program, for which they receive $100 per $420 membership.  If a caregiver sponsors a Patient, there is no fee and hence no commission.

Members make a $100 commission for every $420 membership they sponsor and also 8% of all product purchases from anyone they sponsor. These earnings can be directed toward their account as credit toward free medicine, or they can be sent payments in a variety of methods. This is an entirely optional aspect of the membership that members of the collective may participate in if they so choose. Please email info@cannasense.com for a copy of the full compensation plan.

Is Cannabis really medicine?

Medical cannabis is a very effective medicine used by patients across the globe to treat and alleviate symptoms of many serious medical conditions that do not respond to traditional interventions. Studies have proven that cannabis has therapeutic properties that cannot be replicated by any other currently prescribed medications, and it induces far fewer and much less severe side effects than many commonly prescribed pharmaceuticals and over the counter drugs.

Cannabinoids (e.g., THC and CBD) are the chemical compounds produced and secreted by the cannabis flowers that provide relief to an array of symptoms including pain, nausea, and inflammation. These work their medicinal magic by imitating compounds our bodies naturally produce, called endocannabinoids, which activate to maintain internal stability and health. To put a complex system simply, they mediate communication between cells, and when there is a deficiency or problem with our endocannabinoid system, unpleasant symptoms and physical complications occur.

Click here for a list of Videos about Cannabinoids

What Can Cannabis Treat?  Click here for a list of many conditions treated by Medical Cannabis

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Click here for extensive information for using Medical Cannabis

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